Tuesday, February 18, 2014



  1. That's a lot of bold claims and almost no scientific research citations to back it up. "Every chronic disease has it's origin in the consumption of some form of animal protein". Source? Dr. Oppenlander is a dentist, not a cardiologist, a gastroenterologist, or a registered dietician. I think I'll stick with actual doctors, nutritionists, scientists and dieticians, not certificate holders and dentists for my information on nutrition

  2. To Anonymous: You have every right to know the sources for the statements I make in my blog. My aim as a blogger on issues of the impact of food on personal and global health is to share the resources I turn to for reliable information. In the 6 blogs I have written for the Cape Gazette, I have cited as my resources THE CHINA STUDY & WHOLE by T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., PREVENT AND REVERSE HEART DISEASE by Caldwell Esselstyn, M.D., THE STARCH SOLUTION by John McDougall, M.D., PHYSICIANS COMMITTEE FOR RESPONSIBLE MEDICINE, Neal Barnard, M.D. Each one of these also maintains a website with extensive documentation.
    Yes, Dr. Oppenlander is a dentist, but one who has studied and written about the relationship of diet to health and the environment for over 40 years. He is a researcher, consultant, author and lecturer, considered a leader in the field of the impact of food choices on global climate change.
    As a reader of my Blog, PLANT-BASED LIVING, you will see from reviewing the archives, that I always include sources when I add new information.
